Our Pilots

Brendan O’Brien
Brendan’s ancestry in Ireland goes back to the seventeenth century with Huguenot immigration from France. Although his formative years were spent in London in a quiet family environment, everything changed dramatically when he was orphaned in his early teens and began a life of travel and adventure.
As a child he had been fascinated by birds and perhaps flying was in his blood from birth. Not surprising then that the world of aviation beckoned initially with ballooning and gliding before he was seduced by powered flight.
Now, more than forty years later Brendan has over thirteen thousand hours on over three hundred plus types of aircraft and holds a licence to fly every kind of flying machine.
He holds in excess of two hundred aviation world records ratified by the FAI in Paris. He is a CAA display authorisation holder/examiner, test pilot and medallist of the Royal Aero Club and has flown on every continent in the world including Antarctica.

Alex Garman
Display pilot, Man Friday and all round good guy. I first met Brendan having been given a Tiger Moth flight on my 21st birthday. I caught the flying bug and went on to complete my PPL training with Brendan and was introduced to the world of display flying by traveling around with his flying circus. I fly a variety of aircraft, including tailwheel vintage types . I am also a flying instructor and recently authorised by the CAA as a display pilot. I’m looking forward to displaying the Cub with pyrotechnics!
When I’m at home I enjoy walks in the countryside and working on my vintage tractor & motorbike.